Saturday, May 25, 2013

Blog entry # 10 Gender and sex

Prostitution one of the oldest forms of sexual exploitation. It evens dates back to pre biblical times there were cases of it a few times even in the holy bible. In our society prostitution is looked at you can as deviance the women who prostitue them selves are looked at as low as far as from a social point of view. The me not as much as the women but they are looked at as well in a negative manner. In many states it is actually illegal and both parties male and female who are caught particapating faces penalties from fines to jail time. But places like Las Vegas promote it because there aren't any laws against it. So when many people think of vegas they think of casinos and prostitues.

Around the world prostitutation is a big form of economical gain from research that i've done it tends to be more of the third world countries but are few developed countries into it as well. For example amsterdam it is not legal but pushed by the govenment and is a big part of the country's economy. Place like south america and south east asia more of the poor third world countries. young women have no choice sometimes but forced into prostitution. People often travel from around the world to these countries to exploit these women and loose laws on prostitution over in these places.

Blog Entry #9 Race and Ethncity

 Race and ethnicity is a subject here in our society that people try to look past but but dont over look if that even makes sense. I hear this quite frankly that it doesn't matter you're race and ethnicity we are all one the human race. I find this to be a bit of an oldclichés in a sense. Because for one we all do look different and thats what makes each race and ethnicity peculiar. An to this day many people dont understand the basic educit of others who look different from us.

For centuries encounters between different races and ethnic groups that have been recorded has not always been postive. Many issues have led to this negative interaction. one language, culture, religion and just the difference in physical apperance can be a detourent for many outside ones racial group or ethnic group.

Here in this society we've struggled with the issue of race and ethnicity for a long time. Different races and ethnic groups tend to have a standard of sterotypes which people tend to take in and be closed minded on so it leads to more than not a negative out look. But that comes with the price with so many groups of people living under one nation who haven't always been surrounded with others who look different are come from different places.

In america there have been many clashes with ethnic groups and races over the centuries. First there were many wars and bottles with natives americans and white european settlers. Then also with blacks which were brought here from africa they were enslaved because whites felt they were inferior. Now it isn't that drastic but there are still a bit of social and economic advantages for various races and ethnic groups within our society. Due to educational opportunities and cultural backgrounds and even different sterotypes.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Blog Entry #8 social class

Class and inequality
In the reading and in class we discuss the various levels of class and equalities. From the video and class we see class formed from various forms of race, culture, age and where one stems from. Class has many stages from the lower class , middle class and upper class. 
Lower class are the social status of those who live more of a check to check life or poorer.
middle class more social and economically living decent tend to be more of the blue collar wokers and make reasonable income.
Upper class the wealthy people of a society the ones with more most of the power as far as dominat culture and political pull.

Growing up i lived more of middle class live my grandparents were immigrants who had a good amount of income owned businesses and lived a large family house with a pool and multiple jobs"What many call the american dreasm". But when my mother decided to move to New york because we were in the south i felt we become more of the lower class leaning towards working or middle. Because we worked and struggle to pay bills even though they were always payed we didn't take many vactions so it was work and school all the time. 

The class system within our society i feel is kind of been set up to benefit a certain people or group more than others. For example whites dominanted the upper class and middle class status for a long time it wasn't until recently more into the late 20th century were minorities began to experience some social and economic advantages. Whites still hold the advantage because of better educational, health and evirnamental chances. Mean while for blacks and latinos the main group of minorities in this country its still a daily struggle for social and economic advantages.

Blog Entry #7 Deviance

What is deviance well deviance the forms and generally accepted norms within a society. For example it would a deviant act if someone was to kill a person not agreeing with their personal opionion.

1. Homosexuality was looked at as deviant act from many decades here in this society and many societies around the world. Its still not fully accepted here in this society and is not tolerated in many countries world wide. For many years it was looked as a mental illness and the leading cause to the spread of many viral diseases. An due to the foundation on christianity it was accepted and still looked at against GOD since the bible condems  just the act of homosexuality LEV 21:13.

2.High school drop outs are also looked at asacting in a deviant manor. Because the thought of not having a high school diploma gives the impression that one is failure and a quitter and may have a greater chance at crime or poverty. Also its common that most jobs require a high school diploma so it would be a struggle just to find a job of middle to working class income with out it in most cases.

3.Teenage pregnacy was looked at as deviant behavior its changed a bit over the years but its still look down on a bit. I still see ads on the trains stating that becoming a teenage parent is the fastest way into a life of poverty. An many look at teens within this society as children themselves and immature.

4. Murder is a looked at as highly deviant within our society the penalties of murder are harsh and can be down right brutal. Some people caught with a murder charge spend the rest of their lives behind prison depending on the case. There are many studies that go into why murder happens and what mentally goes on in a murderer head.

5.illegal drug use is looked at a deviant act one because in most part illegal drugs has a negative effect on the human body. Also because there are penalties for being caught using drugs or carrying them and the penatlies vary. Many also believe drug use leads to a life of crime and violence.

6 sexual predators is looked at as deviance specially here in america. Many countries around the world an adult can not only marry but have sexual relations with a person under 18. Here within this society it is looked at as not only deviant but as criminal behavior and punishable by law.

Blog entry #4

Crossed-Flag-Pins Haiti Jamaica
Those are the flags of my parents and my direct bloodline family. Which i take on as my culture also from relating to their struggles with independence and also the culture and also vary forms of music, foods, and language.

06 Fritaye fried fish platter - La Caye

Here are two of one the main dishes from each country that each culture likes to eat commonly.
The first dish on top is a jamaican dish which is oxtail and brown rice. This is eaten daily among jamaicans here and through out the world. The second is a haitian dish called fritaille is combination of fried foods such as plaintain, beef, pork, vegatables and rice.

These are apart of my culture now and is used daily by me and many people of my generation and also by people younger and older then my generation. Its technology from music player ipods, cell phones and tablets and lab tops. We as a culture use these daily almost every second of the day we including my self rarely go a day without using one.

Fashion is a big part of my culture and not only as an american born man but also as descended of caribbeen lineage. All three are big on fashion but more so the american culture specially of the urban areas which i find my self apart of.

Media is a big part of my culture as an amercian culture. Media in many levels from social media such as blogs, facebooks, twitter and etc. An other forms of media daily presented in our culture is movies , news outtlets and reality shows.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Blog Entry #6 Socialization

 A call to man: The speakers talks about the gender generalization and how the aspects of how women are looked at and face. An how men and women feelings are generally taught to be different from one another. He also talks about the physical abuse women face in part because women are looked at inferior to men in other words. This way of thinking is still present today not as much here but in many countries around the world women are taught to be in obiendence an subserent to men while men are generally to be stronger an less emotional.

Killing Us Softly: The speakers talks about the many aspects of advertising specifly on gender. Like how women are looked at as more of a sex symbol and they should have this certain look which is mainly perpetrated by the media. An how also they should conduct them self on what they an and cant do. These ideas if not looked at carefully and just closed minded can lead to a certain expectations which is not the case because these are just generaizations.

Blog Entry #5 Power

The video presented by Stanley Milgram the Milgram experiment shows us the power of authority. He basically conducted a variations of tests on people using high voltage and wanted them to be in full submission. Most of of his patients went through the whole expeiment and a few left. This is primary example of the world now and of the past.

Power is used in many ways from the basics such as law, school and even to a degree relationships betwen spouses. If one breaks a law or laws the law enforcement has power to excute their power through judgement. School has many rules and teahers and school officials have a bit of empowerment of the students since the conduct whats goes on within the school confines. An relationship varies one might hae power because of more of a finacial gain or just more dominace over the other.

Blog #3


From reading the rticle " Teenage Wasteland " I see a harsh reality of the modern day thinking of a the younger generation mainly here in america and also in different parts of the world. Teens struggle daily to fit in with what is deemed  "in" which is considered social norms. The four teens from the article commited sucide because they were deemed outcast and didn't fit in. \

This is becoming more and more prevalent among teens around this country from stories i've seen and heard about about. There are stories of teens being bullied and mad fun of because they are deemed outcast or dont fit in with the majority of their peers. Many of these teens have major self esteem issues, high anxiety problems and the worst possible case they commit sucide.

This is a very difficult subject to put a anwser to because many young teens dont expresses them self freely and openl. They rather keep it to themselves and bottled up the seek some adance or guidence. In which causes them to feel vulnerable an give up all hope.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog entry #2 : " The promise and pitfalls of going into the Field"

Until reading this article i never heard of this term ethnography or its concept. But after the reading I've gained a sense of what it means and Its basis. Ethnography has three main ideas: data gathering, data analysis and data presentation. Basically  the ethnographer goes out and does research and studies the subject or case. Step two the ethnographer spends time around the subject writing and putting together their thesis on the subject they followed. The last step of an ethnographer is putting together all the data and information gathered into a presentation.
From what I see from the reading and chapter two and how the relate to each other. One is make an emphasis on data the reading talked about the three stages of data and chapter two talks about quantitative data and variables formed by it. Also research and its important in social science as far as  putting together data and gaining a total understanding of specifics of an issue or subject. Another relation from the two readings is putting together an conclusion or what one might call a hypothesis.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Who am I?

                                                  Who am I?

Who am I I'm an even keeled person, humble and stoic in a emotional stand point. I guess it's because I grew up around people who were the total opposite. An also always second guessing every decision and aspect of life. What are the biggest influences in my life. Some of the people I hang out with and studying different subjects. My goals in life is to become self dependent have a fortune and lead a good life from a humanitarian stand point.

   I can relate to some of the sociological imagination topics that were talked about in class. Like the video about texting and needing to hear from someone. It's hard for me to leave my phone for a period of time without checking or not responding back to a text. An event that has made me look different at the world was all the new technology I've seen from my time as young child until now. I'm part of a generation that has seen major change as far as world dynamics. Technology such as my iPad and Mac book is something I'm on everyday but just eight years ago there weren't even around. I don't really see my personal history being an biography just yet I'm still a younger man who has yet to see a lot.