Those are the flags of my parents and my direct bloodline family. Which i take on as my culture also from relating to their struggles with independence and also the culture and also vary forms of music, foods, and language.
Here are two of one the main dishes from each country that each culture likes to eat commonly.
The first dish on top is a jamaican dish which is oxtail and brown rice. This is eaten daily among jamaicans here and through out the world. The second is a haitian dish called fritaille is combination of fried foods such as plaintain, beef, pork, vegatables and rice.
These are apart of my culture now and is used daily by me and many people of my generation and also by people younger and older then my generation. Its technology from music player ipods, cell phones and tablets and lab tops. We as a culture use these daily almost every second of the day we including my self rarely go a day without using one.

Fashion is a big part of my culture and not only as an american born man but also as descended of caribbeen lineage. All three are big on fashion but more so the american culture specially of the urban areas which i find my self apart of.
Media is a big part of my culture as an amercian culture. Media in many levels from social media such as blogs, facebooks, twitter and etc. An other forms of media daily presented in our culture is movies , news outtlets and reality shows.
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