Friday, May 24, 2013

Blog Entry #7 Deviance

What is deviance well deviance the forms and generally accepted norms within a society. For example it would a deviant act if someone was to kill a person not agreeing with their personal opionion.

1. Homosexuality was looked at as deviant act from many decades here in this society and many societies around the world. Its still not fully accepted here in this society and is not tolerated in many countries world wide. For many years it was looked as a mental illness and the leading cause to the spread of many viral diseases. An due to the foundation on christianity it was accepted and still looked at against GOD since the bible condems  just the act of homosexuality LEV 21:13.

2.High school drop outs are also looked at asacting in a deviant manor. Because the thought of not having a high school diploma gives the impression that one is failure and a quitter and may have a greater chance at crime or poverty. Also its common that most jobs require a high school diploma so it would be a struggle just to find a job of middle to working class income with out it in most cases.

3.Teenage pregnacy was looked at as deviant behavior its changed a bit over the years but its still look down on a bit. I still see ads on the trains stating that becoming a teenage parent is the fastest way into a life of poverty. An many look at teens within this society as children themselves and immature.

4. Murder is a looked at as highly deviant within our society the penalties of murder are harsh and can be down right brutal. Some people caught with a murder charge spend the rest of their lives behind prison depending on the case. There are many studies that go into why murder happens and what mentally goes on in a murderer head.

5.illegal drug use is looked at a deviant act one because in most part illegal drugs has a negative effect on the human body. Also because there are penalties for being caught using drugs or carrying them and the penatlies vary. Many also believe drug use leads to a life of crime and violence.

6 sexual predators is looked at as deviance specially here in america. Many countries around the world an adult can not only marry but have sexual relations with a person under 18. Here within this society it is looked at as not only deviant but as criminal behavior and punishable by law.

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