Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog entry #2 : " The promise and pitfalls of going into the Field"

Until reading this article i never heard of this term ethnography or its concept. But after the reading I've gained a sense of what it means and Its basis. Ethnography has three main ideas: data gathering, data analysis and data presentation. Basically  the ethnographer goes out and does research and studies the subject or case. Step two the ethnographer spends time around the subject writing and putting together their thesis on the subject they followed. The last step of an ethnographer is putting together all the data and information gathered into a presentation.
From what I see from the reading and chapter two and how the relate to each other. One is make an emphasis on data the reading talked about the three stages of data and chapter two talks about quantitative data and variables formed by it. Also research and its important in social science as far as  putting together data and gaining a total understanding of specifics of an issue or subject. Another relation from the two readings is putting together an conclusion or what one might call a hypothesis.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Who am I?

                                                  Who am I?

Who am I I'm an even keeled person, humble and stoic in a emotional stand point. I guess it's because I grew up around people who were the total opposite. An also always second guessing every decision and aspect of life. What are the biggest influences in my life. Some of the people I hang out with and studying different subjects. My goals in life is to become self dependent have a fortune and lead a good life from a humanitarian stand point.

   I can relate to some of the sociological imagination topics that were talked about in class. Like the video about texting and needing to hear from someone. It's hard for me to leave my phone for a period of time without checking or not responding back to a text. An event that has made me look different at the world was all the new technology I've seen from my time as young child until now. I'm part of a generation that has seen major change as far as world dynamics. Technology such as my iPad and Mac book is something I'm on everyday but just eight years ago there weren't even around. I don't really see my personal history being an biography just yet I'm still a younger man who has yet to see a lot.